Upcoming ALR Advisory Committee Meeting Next Tuesday, July 23

Our next ALR Advisory Committee Meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 from 12:00-2:00 PM in the Sabin-Cleere room, located on the first floor of Building A on our Cherry Creek Campus. At this meeting, Sean Schwartzkopf, Residential Care Supervisor and Inspector at the Division of Fire Protection and Control, will be discussing the adoption of a new Life Safety Code, as well as certificates of compliance, inspection procedures, and plan review procedures.

Please follow this link to the Tentative Agenda and Parking Pass. The link takes you to the Assisted Living Provider Resources page; then click on "Assisted Living Advisory Committee." Return to this page on the day of the meeting and check for any handouts you may want to download.

Please RSVP to Melanie.Roth-Lawson@state.co.us no later than Monday, July 22, 2013, and indicate if you will attend in-person or call in. Conference calling is for providers outside the Denver metro area. To participate by telephone, please follow these instructions:

Step #1: Dial 1-877-820-7831

Step #2: When prompted, dial participant passcode 897373#

Step #3: You will be on music hold until a few moments before 12:00 PM.

Step #4: Very important: Please press *6 and mute your telephone to prevent background noise. If you would like to make a comment or ask a question, press *6 to unmute. When you are finished talking, please re-mute your telephone using * 6 again.

If you have questions before the meeting, please contact Melanie Roth at 303-692-2819.
We look forward to your participation.

**Due to fiscal constraints, registration is limited to assisted living residence licensees.**

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