
Showing posts from August, 2011

I Listen to Too Many Podcasts

On Monday I spent three hours making fruit salad and veggie salad while listening to podcasts! Someone asked me recently what my favorite podcasts are, and I have a very hard time choosing because I love so many. Some of my favorites are WTF w/ Marc Maron, Comedy Bang Bang, KCRW's The Business and The Treatment, Nerdist, The Pod F. Tompkast, Inside Acting, Doug Loves Movies, the UCBLA and NY podcasts, and The Dork Forest. I recently discovered The Anytime Show with Dominic Dierkes (who I have seen perform improv at UCB and is incredible), Film Courage, Making It with Riki Lindhome, Sound on Sight, The Tobolowsky Files, and Talking TV with Ryan and Ryan. Podcasts keep me company, entertain me, and inform me while driving, chopping, and other detestable daily activities. My salad-making frenzy paid off handsomely. I made this big fruit salad: Blueberries, strawberries, grapes, pineapple. And salad salad: Raw corn, raw zucchini, red onion, red pepper, steamed broccoli, fresh basil. I

Theater, Film Festival, and Old Friends!

On Friday I had a super fun audition and then I got a surprise last-minute free ticket to see Gospel According to First Squad by the Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble, starring the two guys who host the Inside Acting podcast that I listen to. It was great, and all of the acting was phenomenal. I feel like usually when you see a play you find one or two people whose work you like but in this play I couldn't decide who I liked most and I kept changing my mind. Most of the characters were written to be somewhat unlikeable, conflicted people, all of whom are stuck in a terrible situation. The actors helped make the characters multi-dimensional and relatable. If you're in LA, check out their closing weekend next week! On Saturday right before I was leaving for class my friend called me asking if I wanted to go to the Artivist Film Festival closing night awards ceremony and red carpet event that night. I just threw a dress and heels in my bag and went to my improv class and changed in the

Organic Grill East NYC and One Crazy Old Guy

After a week of sleeping 16 hours a day, I'm ALIVE! It's been a busy week. Let's see -- I've been to several improv shows this week, a film festival awards ceremony, a short film premiere, my first parking ticket citation hearing (totally not my fault, but it remains to be seen whether the city of West Hollywood agrees with me), and FIVE auditions. Yay! My mom and stepdad are still in NYC. Mom raved about the brunch at the Organic Grill East in the East Village and wrote a short review! Here it is: White bean and crimini casserole. The "Indecisive Plate" featured two blueberry buckwheat pancakes, soy sausage or tempeh bacon, and a hearty veggie tofu scramble. We added a side of steamed dark greens. Our best meal so far in NYC - healthy, tasty, and filling. Cost under $30. Highly recommended! Aaand I'm back. My food recently has been more boring but still delicious. I surreptitiously ate this salad at Whole Foods yesterday (I brought it from home) after a m

Quantum Leap NYC

I'm still super sleepy so I gotta knock off this post before I pass out. Today I did manage to do several productive things, so I was super proud of myself. I worked out, made salad, wrote back a fan e-mail from a month ago, and paid my dentist bill. Oh hells yeah. I also really missed Phil Hartman today, kind of randomly. I'm not sure why he popped in my head. I talked to my mom on the phone! She and my step-dad are in NYC teaching. She sent me a couple pictures from their trip to the vegan restaurant Quantum Leap, which she raved about. My mom's quinoa veggie bowl: And my stepdad with his macrobiotic plate: I ate some pretty tasty fare today. Smoothie for breakfast had kale, romaine, strawberries, frozen blueberries, frozen mango, spirulina, and Sun Warrior protein. Yeah, I'm using gum as a coaster. Lunch was broccoli with Trader Joe's split pea soup and an unpictured small red potato with kale and nutritional yeast. Dinner salad: Spinach, fresh basil, red bell pe

Sleepytimes Bonanza

On Saturday I had my second 301 improv class. I love going to class even though sometimes our scenes are total failures. To understand this next anecdote, all you need to know is that the basis of good improv is "yes, and." (Agree with and add to the premise) After one particularly crappy scene, our teacher said, "That was about 110% 'no' and 300% 'but.'" So it wasn't just exactly the opposite of what we were supposed to be doing, but the opposite times three. I personally found that hilarious instead of discouraging -- and that's what class is for! I also had an audition on Saturday and then my friend had a party. Here's a couple pictures - On Sunday I went to Crashbar (the indie improv show) with a few of my friends and then stuck around for a couple hours afterwards discussing politics and religion in the parking lot. I can't help myself... you get me started and shit gets serious. Today I had Power Group at The Actors Network and

An Apology Filming

We filmed An Apology last weekend! We had a few little emergencies, like our zombies not showing up on Saturday, but everything worked out and I think the final project will be fantastic. Our 2nd AD had to fill in as a zombie: Our leading lady and me, before she got her makeup done: The writer and me: Behind the scenes: Our leading man with his shotgun: It was a lonnnng day. I woke up at 7:30, had to drive an hour to set and arrive by 9:30. I didn't leave until after midnight and then I had to give three people rides home! Totally worth it but still exhausting. I brought a smoothie for breakfast with fruit salad leftovers and greens. All of this... ... went into this... And I had vegan chili for lunch. I love it when I get well taken care of on set. =) On Monday I went on a multi-hour chopping spree and saw UCB shows in the evening. On Tuesday and Wednesday involved other random acting and living activities, like completely re-doing my website. On Thursday I interned for a commerc