
Showing posts from October, 2011

Halloween Improv Party

I'm moving tomorrow! I've been packing and cleaning like crazy and I need to get back to it but first I wanted to share my (excellent) Halloween costume with you all. I went to an improv party on Friday night -- what that means is that people get together and party, and then split up into groups of 6-8 and do 10 minute sets for each other. It's very fun and very nerdy. That also should help explain why so many weird things are going on in my pictures. Can you tell what I am ?? I had several guesses, including a character in Fargo and the bird lady from Home Alone 2, but my costume was actually just Midwesterner in Winter. Not too many opportunities to wear snowboots in LA! Love this picture. Keep in mind, it was a costume party. Battle! You can see that I'm getting hot and unzipped my coat... And I finally had to take it all off because I was sweating SO intensely. But I made it at least an hour and a couple of improv sets with all that stuff on, including my gloves! :)

First Continental Drift Improv Show!

Can you guess what I did this week? If you guessed improv, producing, working on set, and going to networking events, you would be right! Monday? PA on set, Tweetup. Tuesday and Wednesday, PA during the day, improv maniac by night. Thursday I went to a couple of networking events and did various fascinating budget-related producing work. On Friday I had my first show with my improv team, Continental Drift ! If you're in LA, like us on Facebook and come to our next show. :) We had a 30-minute slot, which is very long for an improv show, but it was fun and it never felt like it dragged. An amazing, supportive friend of mine came and took pictures. Thank you! That pictures is of me being a very short person at a basketball tryout, BTW. And this is me mediating a speed date in a very intimidating way. Because people will fall in LOVE at my speed-dating sessions, damn it! Performing is so fun. I do wonder how serious my mental problems are that I feel such a need for lots of people to l


Some sharp words from a friend of mine at the Tweetup last night convinced me to finally update my blog! I'm sorry I've been away. I've missed you. I've been so incredibly busy. The biggest reason is that I got a new job! I'm producing a movie that's in pre-production. That's about all I can say right now but I will say that it's very exciting and also a lot of work. Yayayayy for work! I mentioned in my last post that my sister was born, but I didn't have any pictures. Here she is in her newborn glory: She's actually kinda cute, huh? There's baby brother on his 2nd birthday, my stepmom, and new baby sister. I'm still doing lots of improv. I graduated 301. Here's my class before our graduation show: I'm on the top left. We were supposedly posing like a winning baseball team with our teacher posing as our giant trophy, but it looks more like we took him hostage. I'm starting 401 in a week! Can't wait! I'm also on four in