Piloting Joint Oversight of Facilities Serving Persons with Developmental Disabilites
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Colorado Department of Human Services has embarked on a one year pilot project between its Health Facilities and Program Quality Survey Units. This pilot aims to reduce administrative redundancy and improve the quality of services delivered to individuals enrolled in services by focusing on efficient methods of regulatory oversight while emphasizing practices that improve the quality of life of people receiving services. This pilot program fulfills the requirements and sprit of House Bill 12-1294 by creating an environment in which the two departments can work together more efficiently and effectively for the benefit of people in service and providers alike.
More specifically, the Department of Human Services, Program Quality Unit, of the Division for Developmental Disabilities has physically relocated to the Health Facilities section of the Department of Public Health and Environment campus at 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. During the initial phases of the one year pilot, the two Departments will focus on survey and oversight for people with developmental disabilities living in group homes and receiving home health care services through the Supported Living Services Waiver (HCBS-SLS) with the twin goals of reducing administrative oversight and improving services. If successful, the Department may seek action to permanently combine the two sections and continue work on optimizing efficiency across additional survey units.